tanja bakicMilica Nikolić je stručnjakinja iz oblasti kulture i rodne ravnopravnosti. Po obrazovanju je antropološkinja i etnološkinja, magistrica nauke u oblasti istorije kulture i istorijske antropologije.

Autorka je više naučnih i stručnih radova, objavljivanih u domaćim i međunarodnim časopisima iz oblasti humanističkih nauka. Učestvuje na konferencijama u Crnoj Gori i inostranstvu, a njenu istraživačku pažnju zaokupljuju teme iz oblasti identiteta, odnosa pojedinca i zajednice, interpretacije nasljeđa. Značajnu pažnju posvećuje feminističkoj teoriji i praksi, posebno je zanima izučavanje predstave žena u javnom diskursu tokom NOB-a i u SFRJ, ali i teme poput socijalne kohezije, inerkulturalnosti, multikuralizma, te ljudskih prava.

Saradnica je u nastavi na Univerzitetu Donja Gorica u okviru nastavnog programa za Anropologiju, gdje značajnu pažnju posvećuje u radu sa studentima posvećuje pitanjima ljudskih prava, jednakosti, rodne ravnopravnosti. Ima snažan, proaktivan pristup temama od društvenog značaja i prepoznata je kao aktivistkinja u oblasti antifašizma i rodne ravnopravnost.


Milica Nikolić is culture and gender specialist. By educational background, she is and anthropologist and ethnologist, master of science in history of culture and historical anthropology.

She is the author of several scientific and professional papers, published in national and international journals in the field of humanities. She participates in conferences in Montenegro and abroad, and her research is focused on the topics in the field of identity, the relationship between the individual and the community, the interpretation of heritage. She pays special attention to feminist theory and practice, she is especially interested women’s representation in public discourse during National Liberation Struggle and latter in former SFRJ.  She is also interested in topics such as social cohesion, inter-culturalism, multiculturalism, and human rights.

She is a teaching associate at the University of Donja Gorica within the curriculum for Anthropology, where she pays significant attention to issues of human rights, equality, and gender equality in her work with students. She has a strong, proactive approach to topics of social importance and is recognized as an activist in the field of anti-fascism and gender equality.


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